X-1 Audio Review – Pure “Awesomness”

Well it has been a less than normal summer here in Central Ohio.  Temps are not as hot as they have been in recent years however one thing still remains – HUMIDITY.  And with humidity of course turns on the sweat machine.

I was fortunate enough to be chosen in April to represent a great company, X-1 Audio.  Hands down the best sweat proof/waterproof audio equipment for athletes on the market today.  Here is a snapshot of the various products I own and have been thoroughly tested in the sweatiest conditions Ohio can dish out:

  • AMPHIBX FIT FOR SMARTPHONES W/ WAIST EXTENSION BELT – Hands down the best audio/iPhone/iPod holder I have found in the 15 years I’ve been running.  The versatility between using it on my arm or waist is great.  It does not move or jiggle and the Velcro strap stays as tight as you need it to stay.  Keeps your audio device dry as a bone and is easily to clean.

  • MOMENTUM ULTRA-LIGHT HEADPHONES – As a runner, my favorite feature of all the X-1 headphones?  They.Don’t.Move.  There is nothing more frustrating than always messing with your headphones.  Another great feature – the controls are on the cord so you don’t have to keep looking at your phone to adjust the volume!!  And of course the sweat does NOT destroy these headphones.

  • SURGE MINI WATERPROOF SPORT HEADPHONES – What could be better than listening to your favorite music while swimming, surfing or any water activity?!  These headphones stay in place, have the best sound on the market and again, the water/chlorine does not destroy them.

All X-1 headphones also come with changeable ear pieces to ensure a great fit regardless of ear size.  They offer free-shipping (restrictions apply – see website for complete details) and have the best customer service around if you need to make an exchange, change an order or get a new pair as a gift for your best friend!

X-1’s technology is waterproof, sweat-proof, rinsable, securely fit, reflective, allows ambient noise for safety, waterproof remote and mic, touch screen friendly AND the case FLOATS even with your phone inside!  What more could you ask for?!?

Log-on today www.x-1.com and explore all the great products they have available for any athlete.  Oh and if you are looking for an extra discount, message me for a special code and I will save you an additional 20% off today!

Cheers and happy trails!
